Tour 9

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

8 Days / 7 Nights

Day 1

Twee Rivieren (260km tar road).
We pick you up – fully equipped – from your guesthouse/ hotel/ airport and drive 260km to the first camp at Kgalagadi – Twee Rivieren. In the Molopo riverbed we stop at the Khomani San Bushmen to view their art and crafts. On arrival at Twee Rivieren we check in at the reception. Here we will get info about night game drives with rangers. (Optional and departing from reception one hour before gates close) Move into your lodge (rustic, but clean, comfortable accommodation with air conditioning) Your tour guide will prepare a meal for you using your kitchen facilities. After a short rest (or a swim at the pool) we go on a game drive to explore this 38 000km Park. Endemic game: Springbok, Gemsbok, Red Hartebees, Blue Wildebees, Eland, Giraffe and Steenbok. Good sightings of Lion, Cheetah, Leopard, Brown- and Spotted Hyena do occur. Birds: 264 species including 20 large Raptors. The heaviest flying bird – Kori Bustard – is common, as well as the stately Secretary. We do game maximum game drives in this area until the gates close. Should you do a night drive you will be back one hour before departure of drive. The largest shop in Kgalagadi is available for souvenirs.

Overnight: Twee Rivieren Chalet.
Meals: Light Lunch & Dinner.

Day 2

Twee Rivieren.
Today we explore the Park – keeping a lookout for the lovely Gemsbok, and even large groups of Springbok feeding on the plains after good rain. During the rainy season (November-April) the Park explodes into a symphony of bright colours. Kgalagadi is twice the size of Kruger – so you need more time to explore it. We drive extremely slowly, stopping for anything that seems interesting. You can ask the guide to stop anytime you see something worth taking a photo.

Overnight: Twee Rivieren Chalet .
Meals: Breakfast & Light Lunch & Dinner.

Day 3

Nossob (160km sand- and gravel road).
Your guide will wake you one hour before gates open to prepare breakfast, then we pack and depart to the Botswana side. We do a game drive for 6 hours, with 2 picnic spots along the way to use the toilet and stretch the legs. Afternoon arrival. At Nossob a game hide is available to watch the animal’s drink. At night a spotlight helps us to see more clearly. Optional night drives available. Important: To save electricity the power will be switched off at 10 and restarted at 5 in the morning. A small shop is available.
Overnight: Nossob Chalet.
Meals: Breakfast & Light Lunch & Dinner.

Day 4

Early morning walk to the game hide. Nossob is Lion country and many nights you will hear this Big Cats communicating with each other. Lots of Jackals in and around Nossob camp. We spend the rest of the day doing game drives according to game sightings. At Nossob reception a map indicates sightings of other tourists – if possible, we can go and have a look. A short Botanical route inside the camp can be hiked to learn more of the
Kalahari trees and plants.

Overnight: Nossob Chalet .
Meals: Breakfast & Light Lunch & Dinner.

Day 5

What will we experience today? We might be surprised by the Spotted Hyena visiting the waterhole, or as it sometimes happens – a group of Lions blocking the gate at Nossob and tourists cannot get out! The Kgalagadi has a policy of minimum human intervention, so we wait for them to leave.

Overnight: Nossob Chalet.
Meals: Breakfast & Light Lunch & Dinner.

Day 6

Mata Mata (150km sand- and gravel road).
Today we have the option of doing a game drive North for an hour or so, before returning to Nossob in time for breakfast. The lodge must be vacated at 9h00. Pack and drive South, all the time searching for the elusive predators, until we reach Dikbaardskolk Picnic. After refreshments we cross the RSA part of Kgalagadi using the Kamqua dune road, to the Namibian side and the Auob riverbed. Here you will see lovely red dunes, and the noisy Black Korhaan. After turning North again we take the Auob river road, with most of the animals concentrated here. Giraffe might surprise us with their graceful presence! At Mata Mata you will be accompanied by your guide to reception, and we will discuss the rest of the afternoon’s activities. Please note electricity is also switched off at 10 and restarted at 5 in the morning. Meals will again be prepared by the guide at your chalet. A waterhole is available, as well as an optional night drive. A small shop is there for soft- and alcoholic beverages.
Overnight: Mata Mata Chalet .
Meals: Breakfast & Light Lunch & Dinner.

Day 7

Mata Mata.
Early wake up to do a game drive South. Maybe we will follow the Lion tracks in the sand roads – Kalahari Lions walk much further to hunt than the lions of Kruger – less prey in a semi-desert means lots of walking! It is a special joy and pleasure to see the big cats close. To see a leopard is the ultimate, they instinctively remain hidden, as this is the way for them to survive in Nature. You can discuss with your guide the activities for the rest of the day. Do we enjoy walking around at the camp at Mata Mata to try and spot the resident Owls, or just sit and watch the antics of the Ground Squirrels shading themselves from the sun with their bushy tails…Again you can choose to do a night drive with rangers in an open truck to spot the night animals usually not seen during the day.

Overnight: Mata Mata Chalet.
Meals: Breakfast & Light Lunch & Dinner.

Day 8

Mata Mata – Twee Rivieren (130km sand) – Upington. (260km tar)
Early wake up for this last day of your adventure! We do slow game driving South along the riverbed to see as much as possible. Is today the day we will see the funny Meerkat? Or the King of them all – the famous Black Mane Kalahari Lion… You can always expect something new in the Kalahari! Every day has its surprises: From the black backed jackal trotting along the valley, to the Cheetah having its lunch under a tree. Afternoon arrival at TR. Your guide will fill the car with fuel, while you can visit the shop and toilet. We drive down to reception to check out and say goodbye to the Kalahari! After a scenic drive through the farmland, we arrive in time for you flight back home, or the guesthouse of your choice. End of tour.

Meals: Breakfast and Light lunch.

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park


  • Vehicle, fuel, driver/guide, maximum game drives, accommodation in lodges, meals.

Meals as per itinerary:

  • B = Breakfast – cereals, coffee and tea, fruit juice, eggs, rusks, and fruit (apples, oranges, bananas, and pears).
  • L = Light Lunch.
  • D = Dinner – Braai broodjies (sandwich on fire with cheese, tomato, and onions) salad, corn, rice, potatoes, vegetables, chicken, sausage, and other meats are available.


  • Conservation fee of R440 per person per day, payable at Kgalagadi by credit card or cash, optional activities like night drives with park rangers, soft drinks, alcohol and
    bottled water.


  • Binoculars, sun block, hat, closed shoes for the evenings, insect repellent, torch, and toiletries.
  • IMPORTANT: Animals are active early morning and late afternoon when temperatures are lower.
  • Please keep luggage to a minimum (towels, linen and cutlery are supplied).
Due to limited accommodation at Kgalagadi the program may be slightly different.


Jan 06H00-19H30
Feb 06H00-19H30
Mar 06H30-19H00
Apr 07H00-18H30
May 07H00-18H00
Jun 07H30-18H00
Jul 07H30-18H00
Aug 07H00-18H30
Sep 06H30-18H30
Oct 06H00-19H00
Nov 05H30-19H30
Dec 05H30-19H30


Your dietary requirements.
Where to pick you up on day of departure at 08h30.
Any special interest we should know about?