Tour J

Wilderness Unfenced Camping

3 Days 2 Nights


Rooiputs camping only.
Depart 8h30 from your guesthouse to Rooiputs camping grounds in the Botswana side of Kgalagadi (300km).

IMPORTANT: This is an unfenced camp, with no water to shower, and long-drop toilets. Animals can walk freely between our tents and we might be visited by lions, leopard, hyena, and jackals. We set up camp after arrival, have lunch and after a short rest we enjoy a game drive north. Dinner under the stars. We might have a lion as dinner guest, but this is not a problem as you have an experienced guide to handle the situation. Should you need to visit the toilet during the night your guide will accompany you.

.Overnight: Rooiputs camp – unfenced.
Meals: Light Lunch & Dinner.


Rooiputs camping only.
Wake up at first light and have a coffee around the campfire. Today your guide will take you on a morning walk to determine from the animal tracks what has happened during the night. Many times, the predator tracks will be around your tent, and we will show you which animal it was, male or female. Please note animals are not dangerous when we obey some basic rules. We explore the area on foot, learning from your guide the different plant- and insect species, even the tracks of scorpions can be seen and explained by your guide. We do several game drives – deoending on the days temperature (animals are active during the cooler times of the day). We can drive to Twee Rivieren if you need to take a shower.

Overnight: Rooiputs camp – unfenced.
Meals: Breakfast & Light Lunch & Dinner.


Early morning walk around Rooiputs, then we game drive south to Twee Rivieren, where we leave the Kgalagadi to drive to Upington (300km). On our way back we stop at the Bushmen to view their unusual handcraft. Drop-off at your guesthouse in Upington. End of tour.

Meals: Breakfast and Light Lunch.

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park


Included: Camping equipment eg. tent, mattress, chairs and tables, cooking utensils, as well as air-conditioned vehicle, driver/guide, accommodation fees and meals.

Maximum game drives daily.

Meals as per itinerary:

  • B = Breakfast – cereals, coffee and tea, fruit juice, eggs, rusks, and fruit (apples, oranges, bananas, and pears).
  • L = Light Lunch.
  • D = Dinner – Braai broodjies (sandwich on fire with cheese, tomato, and onions) salad, corn, rice, potatoes, vegetables, chicken, sausage, and other meats are available.


  • Alcoholic drinks.

  • Conservation fee of R440 per person per day payable Kgalagadi cash or credit card.

  • Bottled water / soft – and alcoholic drinks / snacks in between meals (shops available at every camp).


  • Sleeping bag, sun block, hat, closed shoes, torch, insect repellent and personal toiletries.

    Please keep luggage to a minimum.


Jan 06H00-19H30
Feb 06H00-19H30
Mar 06H30-19H00
Apr 07H00-18H30
May 07H00-18H00
Jun 07H30-18H00
Jul 07H30-18H00
Aug 07H00-18H30
Sep 06H30-18H30
Oct 06H00-19H00
Nov 05H30-19H30
Dec 05H30-19H30


Your dietary requirements.
Where to pick you up on day of departure at 08h30.
Any special interest we should know about?